旧修道院改築・聖堂リニューアル計画Old Monastery Renovation and Cathedral Renewal Project
The house on the hill with a striking red roof, and also a white concrete exterior with bars on the windows. I wonder sometimes what people thought of the Notre Dame convent at the top of the hill. Those red roofs are beautiful surrounded by the evergreen trees of Seishin hill and visible from miles around. However, arriving at the top of the hill and encountering the austere façade may have made people wonder what might be happening on the inside. We might be able to compare the old convent to a treasure chest which can look austere on the outside, but then discovering what it holds inside can be really wonderful.
I lived in the convent twice, the first time I was still studying to become a Sister I Tokyo and was sent to replace my venerable predecessor, Sister Mary Connelly, while she was in the United States, so when I came back ten years ago to become a member of the community of sisters in that convent, I felt blessed that it was so familiar. It really was like coming home again. The community had a great rhythm of life with Mass every morning at 6:15—a kind priest from Gakuin would come. We would have morning prayer after that. We took turns getting meals ready for each other, both breakfast and dinner, and there was a sister in charge of doing all the shopping – quite a big task since it sometimes involved carrying it all up the hill! Then in the evening we had prayers before dinner every day. So, the spiritual parts of our day were the main parts of our rhythm of life together which kept us centered on what was most important.
Seven years ago, we had to move out and the old convent has been empty all this time. The part that was recently knocked down was the part where the sisters had our bedrooms — I noticed as the work began that my own bedroom was the first to go! Perhaps, one of the places that will be most missed is the fabulous convent kitchen – it was so BIG, and it had an the oven that made it possible for the bakers among us to do great things especially for Christmas, like Sister Mary Connelly who made hundreds of cookies every year, and after her, Sister Nakamura who always made cupcakes for the reception after Christmas Eve Mass.
Of course, when a place with good memories goes there is always some sense of loss, but the future looks bright.
One big benefit we already enjoy is that we can now all see the Lourdes grotto. One Sister, who was a great friend of the Virgin Mary always sat in the seat at our dinner table that had the best view of the grotto. It used to be something few students saw. Now we can all see it anytime as we round the bend. In the picture of the grotto when it was new, there is not a single tree or vine or bush – Seishin hill had not yet recovered from the effects of the A-bomb. It is something to see the contrast now with the grotto framed in the wild greenery that has returned to our hill. It makes me smile to know that soon that area will be adorned by a beautiful landscape designed by the current students.
When the building renovations are complete, we will have new space for student use, like a Seishin history room, a hall where students can gather, classes can find a more open environment– the possibilities are endless –and there are even going to be guest rooms.
The best is the chapel. How wonderful that this will be saved and will be renovated so that its beauty will continue to give glory to God. When the chu 1 students bring their flowers in May for the Month of the Virgin Mary, they lay them by the statue in the old convent chapel and I always tell them: here the sisters prayed day and night for more than sixty years, the walls are steeped in their prayers. Here some students were baptized, some graduates celebrated their weddings here. There are even stories of graduates bringing their newborn children to the convent to have them placed on the altar for a special blessing. The chapel is, indeed, a place that speaks of our history, holds many good memories, and is a sacred place that anchors us in what is important as we continue making our history and building our future. May the blessings of the good God continue to be poured on us, and may the renovated convent be a place of joy and grace for everyone in our school community.