The present activity of school government
2016年02年29日 | diary
We’ll introduce what our committee is like.
Our committee is consist of about 20 members.
We usually discuss how to improve the school’s situation we face.
Sometimes, we make action in order tell wh(続きを見る)
Classroom Activities of Second-year Senior High School Students
2016年02年25日 | diary
These photos show you classroom activities of second-year high school students.
They created movies and will play them at the school festival.
They discussed it and then shot the movies last Thursda(続きを見る)
2016年02年22日 | diary
Competition ~ Second grade students in our high school versus third grade students in our junior high school.
The competition of the knowledge of ancient writing was held last week.
Second grade stu(続きを見る)
Art and Calligraphic exhibition
2016年02年18日 | diary
We had 66th art and calligraphic exhibition!
Students had prepared for this exhibition in art or calligraphy classes.
We’ll introduce some of work below.
These are paintings drown by students in ar(続きを見る)
The Music Festival
2016年02年15日 | diary
The Music Festival was held at the representative hall in Hiroshima on February 11.
Each grade sings various songs and strengthened the bond among themselves.
The music clubs (chorus, guitar, s(続きを見る)
The Training Program of lifesaving
2016年02年09日 | diary
Second-year senior high school students took part in the training program of lifesaving.
Three staffs from the Japanese Red Cross Society instructed us in this program.
First, they showed some situa(続きを見る)
Introducing Our Teachers ~ Part Ⅳ Our Japanese teacher
2016年02年08日 | diary
Today, we will introduce a Japanese language teacher.
He is interested in a large number of things and an intellectual.
We asked him five questions.
Q1. What fascinates you about Japanese?
A1. I don'(続きを見る)
February ~ Setsubun
2016年02年05日 | diary
The construction to make the auditorium is being done by leveling a mountain.
The mountain became smaller and so we could see the neighboring school.
What kind of vocational school do you think it (続きを見る)
Our Favorites ~ Part II ~
2016年02年02日 | diary
Each of the students puts mascots on their school bag in order to distinguish it from the others.
In this way, we appeal to individuality.
There are a lot of unique mascots.
We'll introduce some of th(続きを見る)
Welcome to Hiroshima! ~ Our friends from Korea ~
2016年02年01日 | diary
35students and 3 teachers from Paku-mun Senior High School in Incheon, Korea visited our school on January 30th.
We said good bye after we exchanged greetings, because we had so little time.
We g(続きを見る)