
ノートルダム清心中・高等学校 NDS


Catholic Club

2016年09年25日 | diary

Hello! We are the members of the Catholic Club. The High School and Junior High School members meet every week on Friday. We always read the Bible to understand it more deeply. At Christmas we hav(続きを見る)

String orchestra

2016年09年24日 | diary

Hello! We are members of the string orchestra. What is the string orchestra? I think some people have never heard of it. It is made up of violins, violas, cellos and contrabass : the four stringed(続きを見る)

We Guided Students from Tokyo

2016年09年17日 | diary

On September 4th, we (The Student Council) went to the Peace Memorial Park to guide some elementary school students from Tokyo. They visited Hiroshima on a school trip. We participated in the memorial(続きを見る)