
ノートルダム清心中・高等学校 NDS


My Favorite Class4(from Miss N)

2017年12年28日 | diary

My favorite class is mathematics. Recently, I have been learning about progression. They are a little difficult for me. But our teacher, Mr.I gives us a clear and interesting lesson and he teachers ve(続きを見る)

The Hallelujah Chorus

2017年12年25日 | diary

In our school, the third-year high school students Sing the Hallelujah Chorus every Christmas. Though they were busy studying for the university entrance exams, they practiced singing hard. I want to (続きを見る)

Sr. Kazuko Watanabe

2017年12年21日 | diary

Last winter, Sr. Kazuko Watanabe the Board Chairman of Sisters of Notre Dame De Namur in Japan passed away. She was not only a diligent and great sister but also a famous essayist. She wrote 17 books.(続きを見る)

My Favorite Class3(from Miss N)

2017年12年18日 | diary

My favorite class is Japanese. We read many Japanese text in this class. Our teacher, Ms.N explains about many texts. Her explanation is very interesting and easy to understand. We take one kanji quiz(続きを見る)

Our Club Activities28(The Cooking Club)

2017年12年14日 | diary

We are the cooking club. We have an activity once a week. We mainly cook sweets and pasta. We cook many cupcakes during winter vacation in order to give them to people who come to the Christmas mass. (続きを見る)

Our Club Activities27(The Drama Club)

2017年12年12日 | diary

Hello! We are the drama club. The club meetings are held every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. I’m happy to do club activity because all the members are on very good terms. Our main activity is to giv(続きを見る)

Practice Election

2017年12年07日 | diary

We, the election administration committee, hold a mock ND mayoral election on November 18th. The minimum age for the right to vote was lowered to 18 years old last year, so we have to work on politics(続きを見る)


2017年12年04日 | diary

Advent, when we prepare for Christmas, started on Monday in our school. A big Christmas tree was set up and students can decorate with star shaped paper, if they do good acts. Moreover, we will read t(続きを見る)