The Committees of our school.(Part7)
2017年05年31日 | diary
The Secretariat
The Secretariat has a smaller number of people than other committees Our daily duties are calculating the approved amount of money which was requested by clubs or committees, and mana(続きを見る)
The Committees of our school.(Part 6)
2017年05年22日 | diary
Ⅵ.NDA (Notre Dame Action) Committee
NDA is the abbreviation for “Notre Dame Action”. Our main activity are Long-Legs student fund-raising, collecting bell mark, holding the Christmas party with Yahat(続きを見る)
The Committees of our school.(Part 5)
2017年05年20日 | diary
Ⅴ. Committee for beautification
The member of committee for beautification usually copes with a problem about cleaning time. I have heard that there is no cleaning time in a foreign country. But Japa(続きを見る)
Committee of our school. (Part 4)
2017年05年13日 | diary
Ⅳ. Disciplinary Committee
We, members of the school committee, encourage all students to follow the school rules, and have good manners both inside and outside school. We make various plans and solve(続きを見る)
Committee of our school. (Part 3)
2017年05年09日 | diary
Ⅲ. Home Room Committee
We work hard to make each class the best class every day. The committee is held on Tuesday after school every week. In the committee, all members gather together, pool each cla(続きを見る)
Message from Akita
2017年05年06日 | diary
Hello! This is the first time to visit Seishin after graduation. My university is all English,
so I'm writing Japanese after a long time. Speaking is more important than writing and
reading in learnin(続きを見る)
Committee of our school. (Part 2)
2017年05年02日 | diary
Ⅱ. Election Administration Committee
Our committee carried out the election of the student council to elect the student council president and vice-president. Also, we put trial election into action. (続きを見る)