Academy of Notre Dame Students Came to Our School!
2019年07年18日 | diary

Nine students and two teachers came to our school from June 27th to 28th from Academy of Notre Dame, Philadelphia, America. It is one of our sister schools in the world. They had a good time at our school.
<On June 27th >
The Academy students experienced a lot of Japanese cultures, for example, Sado. This is Japanese traditional way of tea. Besides, they had a school tour and Japanese classes.
After school, they had a club tour with their host sisters. They went to the Koto Club and the Karuta Club.
<On June 28th >
They had classes at their classroom, for example Classical Japanese and English. Especially, Classical Japanese class may be difficult for them.
On their lunch break, they had time to interact with their classmates. They played games with them well.
After school, they had time to interact with the students of Notre Dame Seishin Junior and Senior High School students. They played easy Japanese games such as Sugoroku and Dropping Handkerchief. They had great time and made great memories.
Due to the trouble of the airplane, their arrival at Hiroshima was delayed one day, and they couldn’t go to Miyajima. But they had great time at our school! They went to Kyoto and Singapore after this visit.
From now on, it is good for us to interact with many students who have different cultures from ours.
Please look forward to our blog being updated.